«Mattig Management Partners has
advised our Corporation with
financial questions in an outstanding
manner and has professionally
led us to the conclusion of our
coinciding negotiations.»
Dr. Gabriel Homotescu, Board President & General Manager
Confex International SA, Bucharest (RO)
Mattig-Suter und Partner Schwyz

Project Financing

Project Financing is a challenging task that requires specialized knowledge. Using our comprehensive market knowledge, we reduce the financing risk for investors as well as borrowers and simplify and acce-lerate the implementation of your financing plans. For Project Financing, we look at the entire spectrum of supported loan options, including traditional financing instruments, European Union subsidies and government aid.

Based on realistic and transparent business plans, discussions with investors can be simplified and clearly structured. In close collaboration with you, we develop strategies, support you in finance and liquidity planning and in the search for investors.
Conducting negotiations
The expertise of our consultants as well as their active membership in specialist associations and relationships with decision-makers in financial circles reduce the financing risks for your strategic projec. We participate in negotiations and support you from preparing the discussions to accompanying you to meetings with the financing partners.
We do the reporting for you or develop a transparent reporting system together with you that will make Project Management easier and build trust among your investors.