Our Partners |
Mattig Management
Partners |
Headquarters Schwyz, Switzerland
Office Pfäffikon SZ, Switzerland |
Office Sofia, Bulgarien
Office Vienna, Austria
Office Bratislava, Slovakia
Office Tirana, Albania |
Business Partners
und Revisionsgesellschaft
Mattig-Suter und Partner Schwyz |
Mattig Gruppe Temeswar
Loewenheim Rechtsanwälte
Mattig Accounting & Controlling RO |
Mattig Accounting & Controlling BG
Mattig Expert Sibiu
NPZ - Neue Pressburger Zeitung
Swiss-Romanian Chamber of Commerce
German Economic Club Temeswar
German Economic Club Siebenbürgen, Sibiu
Chamber of Commerce Switzerland - Central Europe
procure.ch – Swiss Trade Association
for Purchasing und Supply Management |
Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber Of
German-Swiss Chamber of Commerce
German-speaking Agricultural Association DAV
Swiss-Austrian-Lichtenstein Chamber of Commerce
Austrian International Consultants
Austrian Business Club, Bucharest
Chamber of Commerce Austria
Entreprise Europe Network
Swiss-Slovak Chamber of Commerce
Swiss-Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Slovak-Austrian Chamber of Commerce